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Certifications & Professional Training

What is the Holistic Health Wellness Counseling Approach?


Wellness Counseling

Mind-Body Medicine (Behavioral Medicine)

Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI)

What Is Detoxification and Oral Chelation?

Other Services Offered

General counseling since 1996, Christian Biblical counseling since 1999

CHRISTIAN BIBLICAL COUNSELING: Christian Biblical counseling is available by phone only.

For more information, call:

Tel. 347-396-0509

Dr. Riccioli was initially educated and trained as a physician (Emergency Room physician), but in 1994, he willfully left that field because of (1) a greater passion for counseling, and (2) he believes that the healing or health improving properties of natural remedies (vitamin supplements, herbs, homeopathy, etc...) are being downplayed in our healthcare system, since it seems like it is more in the business of making money using drugs, rather then using alternative, natural, less costly, less toxic remedies first. He furthered his training primarily in the area of Mental Health and counseling (general and Christian Biblical counseling), but also received further training and became certified in various areas of Holistic (Natural) health and Total Body Detoxification.

In 1996, he received Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and Lord (became a Christian), and in 1999, was ordained to the gospel ministry as a non-denominational Pastor, and in 2005 as an Independent Baptist pastor. Dr. Riccioli eventually enrolled and completed Bible college and seminary, and willingly exchanged his plans, for God's plan. He started a Christian Outreach ministry to Evangelize the gospel, and help people as a Christian Biblical counselor and Holistic Health / Wellness counselor, as well as help restore marriages through marriage counseling.
(More information about Joseph's education and experience is posted at the bottom of the page)

Christian Counseling - Areas of Specialty (adults, teens):

Life crisis
Post Traumatic Stress
Addictions (alcohol, drugs, pornography, smoking, others)
Drug & Substance Abuse
Premarital & Marriage conflicts / Relationship issues
Eating Disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia)

Other conditions that bring people to seek Christian counseling include
(but are not limited to) :

Fears - Phobias - - Sleep Disorders - ADD / ADHD, and other issues not mentioned.

Mind Body Health Christian Counseling also provides these services:

  • Holistic Health / Naturopathic Counseling
  • Nutritional Counseling & natural herbal therapies
  • Whole (Total) Body Detoxification

  • What is Mind-Body Health Christian Counseling (MBHCC)?

    Mind Body Health Christian Counseling provides primarily (1) Christian Biblical Counseling (adults, teens) / Marriage counseling, but also offers (2) Holistic Nutritional counseling / Wellness counseling, Total Body Detoxification, Oral Chelation and vitamin / herbal protocols. At times, people who seek Christian counseling are also interested in restoring their natural body balance and improve their health by using natural remedies.

    My heart's desire, is to give you Biblical guidance, concerning whatever obstacle(s) or issue(s)are holding you back (present or past), so that you may be successful in moving forward and reach your goal(s).

    As a Christian counselor, I am totally committed to you, and will help you with your daily struggles (spiritual, emotional, mental, family, general health), in accordance with Biblical principles and standards that will meet the needs of people spiritually, therapeutically, emotionally, and educationally. I am also aware of conflicts and various issues that may arise between a husband and wife, and when these conflicts or issues are left unresolved, and continue, a viscous cycle can develop, leading to a disharmonious relationship. Since 2000, I have been able to help and restore these troubled marriages, through marriage / family Christian Biblical counseling.

    People that seek my help, have ongoing, unresolved issues which prevent them from moving forward and reach their goals. Most of these people seeking guidance, have either not been helped by psychological counseling, psychotherapy or prescription medications, or, desire not to take prescription medications (anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, sleeping pills, etc...). Many have also been self-educating themselves about other, natural choices available to them (natural herbal products, vitamins) and prefer to seek these alternative, natural remedies.

    Seeking Help? - You Are Not Alone!

    If you are one of those persons who have reached a point in life, where you just don't understand and are asking yourself, "What is going on here and why is this happening?", and you're seeking help, you are not alone. As a result, you may be experiencing emotional instability, and other areas of your life may also be affected. Perhaps it may be preventing you from moving forward in life, and you find living has become difficult not having answers and are losing hope. If you have tried other approaches (psychotherapy, psychiatry, medications), and they have not helped you successfully manage or resolve your present situation, you are not alone so don't give up.

    Many people, when confronted with crises and other concerns, turn to social workers, psychologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists for help. Yet others, look for support, and the opportunity to discuss these issues within a spiritual context (Christian Counseling), where they can be addressed in terms such as faith, meaning, purpose, and direction.

    My commitment to you as we work together, is to guide and help you resolve road blocks you encounter along your walk through life, bring peace and healing, to your woundedness, confusion, anxieties, struggles, doubts, fears, worries, addictions, marital issues, or other problems, which may be preventing you to live a so called, "normal", fulfilling life.

    Are You Talking Anti-Depressants?
    Do you think they work?
    Watch this video below.

    *** IMPORTANT *** : Click below

    " More information about Anti-depressants you are never told! "

    Death by Medicine!


    "Christian Biblical Counseling will show you the truth
    found in God's Word the Bible, not man's best guess."

    It may be defined in short as:
    1) meeting the person where he/she is....
    2) pointing out what is wrong....
    3) and helping him/her obtain the desirable personality and behavioral change -- based upon Scripture.

    It arises out of the fact that there is a condition which God desires changed. The fundamental purpose of the confrontation then, is to effect personality and behavioral change-- conformity to the image of Christ.
    All counseling aims at change.

    As a Christian Biblical Counselor, I help bring your present or past troubling concerns or life's problems (which may be seriously affecting the way you are presently living your life, or your ability to function as a balanced, healthy, whole, person), into dynamic healing contact with the God, who is known by His people as the Wonderful Counselor.

    God, who is the "Great Physician", Counselor and Healer, has a plan for each person, but most people have not turned to Him for guidance, therefore, not having found an effective solution, continue to be affected and confused by the many problems that come their way.

    In the Bible, God says this...

    2 Kings 20:5 - I have seen thy tears: behold, I will heal thee.

    Isaiah 41:13 - For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.

    Click the green link below to read a very important, helpful article about
    The Bible, Psychology And You:


    * * * * * * IMPORTANT HEALTH INFORMATION* * * * * *

    Watch more informative videos about Antidepressants and other drugs, you need to know about, by clicking on blue " CLICK Me Now ".
    CLICK Me Now

    Since the body is a complex machine working together as a whole, an unbalanced state of mind-body wellness in some cases, may result from other factors, so counseling may be integrated with the following :

    NUTRITIONAL / HERBAL COUNSELING (also called Natural Health or Holistic Health Counseling) deals with helping bring the body back into balance.

    This is founded on a system of alternative health care approaches and healing modalities, and their accompanying theories, that do not fall within the realm of conventional medicine. They include: Herbalism, Nutritional Counseling , Homeopathy, Mind-Body Integration, Detoxification and Supplements (vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants, and others).


    Focuses on teaching "how" to restore and maintain a well balanced mind-body healthy state.

    (Knowing what are the most common causes which may lead to an unhealthy, unbalanced state, may help prevent it)

    Dr. Joseph Riccioli's short Bio.:

    Dr. Riccioli began his life training as a classical pianist at age five, and started composing his own music at nine. During his teenage years, his father, a physician, always told him that "musicians are a dime a dozen, and was never able to fully launch a professional career as a full time classical, concert pianist as he desired. After graduating high school, his father convinced and persuaded him to change his career plans, and he followed his father's footsteps by training in the health / medical field.

    In 1977, he went to Bologna, Italy to study (from 1977-1980 at Malpighi College and Pascolli College), and in 1988, he graduated Bologna University Medical School (the same medical school his father graduated from) and earned a degree in Medicine & Surgery (M.D.). He also received his license to practice medicine in Italy as well.

    Dr. Riccioli says he really enjoyed living in Italy with his many friends so much, that he thought perhaps he would settle down there. In fact, while studying and taking medical school classes during the day, in the evenings and on weekends, he performed solo as a pianist. He also plays guitar, sings and composes classical music, film scores and Christian worship music, and is currently working on a CD. When not performing solo, he played with many other talented musicians and bands in various places which allowed him to earn needed money to pay bills. Besides being a guest performer on television, he also performed in Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain, and Tunisia.

    It was during medical school, that Dr. Riccioli became more interested in the area of mental health and health psychology, and at the same time, hen also became disillusioned with the limitations of general medicine. Before graduating medical school, he completed a training internship in a psychiatric hospital, as part of the medical school psychiatry course. After graduation, he completed a 3 year internship at Sant' Orsola Hospital's Emergency room (Sant' Orsola Hospital is the university hospital in Bologna, Italy:1989-1992). Training in these two facilities, has given him opportunity to counsel and help many adults and teens who were overwhelmed from various, life's problems and controlling issues such as substance abuse, drug / alcohol addictions, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, abuse, and other issues. His interest in mental health grew even more, and while counseling, he became deeply interested in the inter-relationships that exist between our mental / emotional state and disease or unhealthy state. As he began to study and research this area in more depth (see Dr. Riccioli's full bio. by clicking the link on left hand side), he totally agreed with former studies, that three fundamental factors . . . our mental health, nutritional state (what we take in and what we eliminate) and physical exercise, play a major role in helping one maintain and keep, or achieve a healthy state of wellness.

    After living in Italy for some time, in 1994, he decided it was time to return back home to the US, and willfully left the general medical field due to (1) a greater passion for counseling, and (2) because of the limitations of general medicine, his desire to not be part of a monopolizing, dishonest, dysfunctional and disorganized general healthcare system, whose main interest seems to be selling drugs and making money, instead of people's health (search the internet, visit the links on my site), eventually convinced him to change careers, and dedicate himself to continue helping people through counseling.

    Though he studied in depth, psychology (general psychology, health psychology, neurobiopsychology and psychiatry in medical school, and completed a training internship in a mental health-care facility, he furthered his education (institutes, schools, organizations) and received training in various, specific areas of mental health:

    American Health-care Institute:
    Memory: Minding the Body, Embodying the Mind,
    Trauma Survival: Overcoming the Psychological scaring
    Crisis Management Intervention
    Eating Disorders: Assessment, Planning and Effective Treatment

    Harvard Medical School
    A graduate of the Clinical Training Program in Mind-Body Medicine / Behavioral medicine

    Training in Disaster Mental Health counseling
    , and others
    (see certifications link).

    Joseph's desire to help as many people as he can, led him to further his studies in the natural (holistic) health field as well. He does not work as a licensed physician in the U.S. by choice, therefore, he does not add the initials M.D. after his name. His love, passion and gift, is to help people through Christian "Biblical" Counseling. He is, however, also a Certified Nutritional Consultant (Holistic Nutrition), Board Certified Alternative Medical Practitioner, Naturopath (Naturopathic physician), and has received extensive training in Therapeutic Herbalism, Anti-aging nutrition and Traditional Chinese Medicine. As a musician, he knows the effects and power music has on our health. Though he is not a clown, and before the "Patch Adams" movie, he also studied and has seen the beneficial, positive effects humor has on our immune system, and at times, this also naturally comes into play. In the Bible, Proverbs 17:22 states, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. (suggested reading: "The Anatomy of an Illness" by Norman Cousins)

    Joseph strongly believes to many people are not educated about maintaining optimal wellness and preventing the body from becoming unbalanced. It is important that people are informed about the many natural, less toxic, less expensive and very effective alternatives available, when compared to drugs... especially those used for depression, anxiety, and other conditions.

    For those seeking help for addictions, besides Biblical guidance to help resolve interfering issues, Joseph uses a natural, total body detoxification system to help rid the body of toxins, drug metabolites, heavy metals and other substances, which when accumulate, may cause further imbalances. This step should not be be neglected, as the elimination of toxic substances, is also part of the goal to help restore wellness.

    In 1996, Dr. Riccioli received Jesus Christ as his personal Savior and Lord (became a Christian), and in 1999 was called and ordained to the gospel ministry. It was also that year, that he willingly exchanged his plans, for God's plan, started a Christian Outreach ministry called New Life Ministries. Its mission:to share Christ's forgiving love and gospel of salvation to world in need. He completed Bible college and seminary, and formerly served as an Evangelist (from 1999-2001), and as an Independent Baptist Pastor (Evangelism Pastor and Associate Pastor), in 2 Independent Fundamental Baptist churches in N.J. In 2011, Dr. Riccioli answered God's new call to serve as a missionary. He changed the name of the ministry to Grace Ministries International, and is now serving as a National / International missionary evangelist / church planter (locally in N.J. and New York city). He continues to help people primarily as a Licensed Professional Christian Biblical counselor, but also helps people at times as a Holistic Health / Wellness counselor, and continues to help restore marriages through marriage counseling.

    Click this link to see Certifications & Professional Training

    Click below for Joseph's complete life history and work background.

    Who is
    Dr. Joseph Riccioli?

    Take a quick break from life and relax.

    Before learning the instructions that will teach you how to relax where ever you are, whenever you want, click the red Music & Healing link below, and experience Music & Healing

    Music & Healing

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

    An instant relaxation technique

    Look at the picture below (if this is a relaxing place for you), or imagine yourself in a place where you feel most comfortable (mine is below) and read instructions below the picture.


    Please do this exercise sitting down with your back straight.

    First exhale completely through your mouth, making a "whoosh" sound.

    Now close your mouth, and inhale s-l-o-w-l-y through your nose for 4 seconds. Be sure to fill the lower part of your chest first, then the middle and top part of your chest and lungs. Do this slowly.

    Next hold your breath for it for about 7 seconds.

    Now quietly and easily, relax and exhale completely, letting all the air out through your mouth (with lips together making a "whoosh" sound) for 8 seconds.

    Wait a few seconds and repeat this cycle 2 more times.

    The breathing time ratios of 4-7-8 are very important. Note:Remember, your body is learning to relax in a new way, so Do Not do more than 3 breaths at one time for the first month. The effects of this technique become more powerful over time, as your body learns to relax.

    * Please Note *: If you find yourself getting dizzy, then you are overdoing it. Slow down.

    You can continue this breathing technique for as long as you like. I do this about 3 times and my body now relaxes automatically.

    This exercise will help you relax, help synchronize your body and mind and also will improve your memory. Again... don't over do it.

    With time, your body will automatically learn to relax when you do this.

    Ahhhhh.... how relaxing!

    Funny Images
    Funny Pictures - Quotes - Photobucket

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    Claims and statements on this website have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

    Information stated on this website is not to be considered as medical advice for dealing with any given problem, or to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease.

    All information posted on this web site is provided for educational purposes only, and is not to be considered as a medical recommendation, or as professional advice. It is not to be construed as medical advice. Only a licensed medical doctor can legally offer medical advice in the United States. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with other reliable sources and to consult your health care professional for individual guidance for specific health problems.

    All contents and design copyright © 2007, Mind-Body Health Christian Counseling. All rights reserved.
